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Clean Change

 is a blog that explores emerging research, solutions, and leadership in the fight to defeat climate change.





Hi! I am Jack Alkin, a rising senior from Long Island, New York.​ As I have grown older, climate change has become an increasing concern of mine. I see a denial and diminishing of the threat of climate disaster everywhere, whether through first-hand experiences or just on the news.


Two years ago, I began casually spending my free time researching climate change solutions, with a particular focus on the transition to clean energy and the causes of widespread societal climate denial. Wanting a place to write down my research and reflections, I started my blog, Clean Change.


In addition to my passion for addressing the threat of climate change, I enjoy sports, my favorite being football (I’ve played since I was 7!). I also love engaging in community service in any way possible, but I gear most of my time towards helping the differently-abled youth in my community by coaching them and mentoring them in sports.


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